Save money when visiting Australia and New Zealand
G’day, Folks… This post is about the best way to save money when visiting Australia and New Zealand. You could actually use many of these suggestions when you travel to any country. 1/ Pack as light as possible! I know it is easy to think you might need that kitchen sink when you are in -
Australia and New Zealand Immigration and Customs
I am here to tell you a story about a ham sandwich. A well-traveled ham sandwich at that. It may also be deemed as the most expensive ham sandwich ever purchased. It all started out approx 2 weeks ago when some Canadian clients of ours purchased a ham sandwich in Cairns Australia. On their airline ticket, -
What types of seating classes are on flights to the South Pacific?
Hi, again folks. This is Dianne, your travel specialist for Australia, New Zealand, and the South Pacific Islands. For this blog post, I thought I’d give some info that applies to every single client since every client flies to reach their vacation destination. That question is: what types of seating classes are on flights to -
The best time to book a trip to Australia and New Zealand
G’day, I am asked on a daily basis by our Canadian and American clients when is the best time to book a trip to Australia and New Zealand and also what are the best times to visit. Many factors come into play including the time of year you wish to travel, whether there is an important -
Tips for choosing flights from Canada and the US to Australia and New Zealand
G’day, As most of you know I am an Aussie and regularly travel home several times per year. I have flown every route there is to get down to the South Pacific, so I think it is safe to safe I am an expert who knows what works and what does not work. Here are -
Plan a trip to Australia and New Zealand
G’day, so we have helped you plan a trip to Australia and New Zealand and now you are wondering what else needs to be completed before you depart on your vacation of a lifetime. This blog post is for you! Here is my list of what I do before traveling to Australia and New Zealand -
Australia and New Zealand Travel Questions
G’day Folk, On a daily basis I am always asked many different questions in relation to Travel to Australia and New Zealand by Canadians and Americans. I thought I would write a blog post on some of the recent ones that I have been asked- in case they can assist anyone else. So here are